A CDC-funded clinical intervention study focusing on reducing/preventing alcohol use in adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure has a full-time, paid position for a Project Coordinator available at the UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. This position is for a qualified individual with an interest in clinical research and developmental disabilities; PhD level applicants with a background in child/adolescent psychology are preferred, and will have an opportunity to obtain clinical postdoctoral hours in an exempt setting.
The position is available immediately; start date is negotiable, and can be delayed until summer
2012 if necessary for a qualified applicant. Salary is competitive and includes benefits.
Clinical duties include screening of potential participants, conducting neurocognitive testing, conducting the study intervention with adolescents and parents, overseeing treatment fidelity, following up with families regarding clinical issues, and attending weekly supervision with the senior psychologist. Additional duties include overseeing participant recruitment, community outreach through presentations at clinical and research facilities, training and supervision of research assistants and volunteers, coordinating participant visits and testing, coordinating data collection efforts (scoring, coding, verification) and analysis using SPSS, developing presentations, manuscripts, and grant applications, and preparing IRB submissions and revisions as needed. Additional publication opportunities are available with archival data.
The qualified applicant will be a highly motivated and organized individual who demonstrates: a solid background in child/adolescent assessment; skill in communicating with community agencies and participants; experience conducting clinical groups involving adolescents; the ability to train and supervise staff employees and volunteers; solid knowledge of SPSS and Microsoft Office software; skill in oral and written communication; and the ability to maintain a large research data base.
For further information about the position or to apply, send a statement of interest, C.V., and reference list to Mary J. O’Connor, PhD, ABPP at moconnor@mednet.ucla.edu. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until the position is filled.
Mary J. O'Connor, PhD, ABPP
Adjunct Professor
Program Director, UCLA ABC Partial Hospital Program Training Director, Tarjan Center on Developmental Disabilities 68-265A Semel Institute Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences David Geffen School of Medicine University of California at Los Angeles 760 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles, Ca 90024
Phone: 310 206-6528
Fax: 310 206-4446