Friday, December 16, 2011

Baylor College of Medicine/ University of Texas-Houston Medical School/ Institute for Rehabilitation and Research Memorial Hermann, Houston, TX, USA - 1 postdoctoral position (clinical neuropsychology)

Our neuropsychology postdoctoral program is recruiting for one fellow to start in September 2012. The fellowship is sponsored by the Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Baylor College of Medicine and University of Texas-Houston Medical School, and by The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research|Memorial Hermann. The 2-year fellowship belongs to the Association of Postdoctoral Programs in Clinical Neuropsychology ( and follows Houston Conference guidelines. The fellowship program has operated continuously for 18 years. Fellows rotate through separate medical and rehabilitation facilities, each staffed by different neuropsychologists and serving distinct patient populations. The major patient groups are adults with stroke, traumatic brain injury, and epilepsy. Didactics include formal medical school coursework and weekly internal didactic presentation. The current stipend is $36,000 for the first year and $38,000 for the second year. Health insurance and other benefits are provided through Baylor College of Medicine. Our webpage (which is being updated for 2012) gives details about training, qualifications, and application instructions: Interviews will be held either at the 2012 INS conference in Montreal or on-site in Houston. We participate in the APPCN match so applicants must register for the match in order to be considered. Applications should be sent to: Corwin Boake, PhD, ABPP TIRR|Memorial Hermann 1333 Moursund Houston, TX 77030-3405 713-799-6990 713-799-7049 Please feel free to email me directly if any questions. Corwin Boake, PhD, ABPP