Monday, May 28, 2012

The Geneva Foundation, Tacoma, WA, USA - 1 Post-Doctoral Fellowship (research TBI/PTSD)

Looking for an exciting new career? Join our team!

The Geneva Foundation is a non-profit organization which promotes and supports military medicine. The Foundation has built relationships with highly skilled, exceptionally motivated, world-recognized researchers and medical professionals and hires top-quality staff. By joining The Geneva Foundation, you will have an exciting and stimulating career in which you will advance, “The Future of Military Medicine. Today.”

The Postdoctoral Fellow will be responsible for initiating and carrying out research projects in collaboration with a research team in the area of TBI/PTSD. The Post-Doctoral Fellow will assist in designing, developing, executing, and implementing scientific research and/or development. Apply here:

Les Sessoms, MAOL | Human Resources Recruiter T: 253.682.3839 • F: 253.284.1939 The Geneva Foundation 917 Pacific Ave, Suite 600 Tacoma, WA 98402